Chronicles Of Me

Monday, August 28, 2006

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''let go''

Hit the driving range after work.
I still have my beautiful swing, haha.
A friend asked me to join him and i thought it was a good way to let go and beat that little white rubber ball.
Felt good. Liberating. Seeing the ball fly straight and far really felt good.

My dad introduced this sport to me when back in the day when i was in primary four. I hated it at first, i could not even hit past 50 metres mark. Now i'm doing 150-200 easily even with a mishit. Goes to show. You will get the hang of anything you really want.
So don't give up.

Think i'll see where i'll go with weekly range visits. You can never perfect golf. Maybe that is why some people find it addictive. Hope it'll clear my mind.

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