Chronicles Of Me

Monday, October 23, 2006

I wish i never wondered.

I was talking to a friend about religion and here's what we agreed and come to.

For me, i believe someone created this character called ''god''. This ''god'' is created in an image so righteous, so matchless and glorious that he has no faults. With being so righteous and glorious people will always look up to him, in other words obey him. By using this image of someone so almighty, imagine how many lives they can influence.

Okay, the ''god'' part is set. So how are we going to guide the people? THE BIBLE I SAY!! To me the bible is just a book full of lessons. Whether made up or not i see it as a set of guidelines. If you believe in ''god'' you believe in his words. So this someone who is so bored and creative that he created this WORD in the bible.

Why would someone go through all the trouble of doing this you might ask?
My friend and i agreed that this person did this for the good of alllllll mankind. Take a few minutes and think about a world without religion. It would be a world without conscience, without moral, it will be a world without hope. Hope ,to me, is what wakes everyone up every morning. Without hope there is nothing to look forward to. Religion is also for the damned , well somewhere along that line of being damned. When you have nobody, isn't it nice to believe you have that special connection with that dude above? to give you hope and strength to carry on.

This part is from my friend.
Religion or ''god'' helps mankind in a different way. All huffy and crabby people use religion and ''god'' as an outlet for their anger. They do this by pouring all the negative junk on ''god''. Imagine again if there is no ''god'' Where will all the crabby and huffy stuff be dumped? IT WILL BE DUMPED ON YOU AND ME. We will have a world full of hate and no outlet!! We will kill each other and end up extinct like dinosaurs. They didnt have religions did they?

Ok finally, you're probably wondering why my title reads ''I wish i never wondered.''
Because now that i have taken a bite of Eve's apple, i may have just lost hope and my outlet. I'll probably be huffy and crabby to all my friends and family. Soon i'll be out on the streets sleeping. GHAST!!!! Maybe those people who sleep on the streets were once like me, thinking about all these stuff.

Morale of the story? dont bite the apple bitches.......... and huffy is a cute word.

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*i dare you to change my views..


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