Chronicles Of Me

Saturday, October 28, 2006


A new phenomenon called "sexomania", a condition in which people who are asleep proceed to initiate sex with their bed partner, is intriguing the inhabitants of the world of sex.

Researchers made an even more astonishing discovery when they found that not all the partners of people with the disorder were distressed or irritated by the idea of having sex with an unconscious person. In fact some almost prefer it.

"Sexomania", Sex While Asleep

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/cms.dll/photo?photoID=53862 WASHINGTON: A new phenomenon called "sexomania", a condition in which people who are asleep proceed to initiate sex with their bed partner, is intriguing the inhabitants of the world of sex.

In the study, the results of which are published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Canadian researchers have found out that while many people fall asleep after sex, there are some that sleep during sex. Three researchers from the universities of Ottawa and Toronto and the Toronto Western Hospital, described "sexomnia" as a mix between having a wet dream and sleepwalking.

According to a report in News 24, the researchers made an even more astonishing discovery when they found that not all the partners of people with the disorder were distressed or irritated by the idea of having sex with an unconscious person. In fact some almost prefer it.

The researchers' study consisted of 11 case studies, mostly male. Two girlfriends of a 43-year-old man "independently confirmed that he frequently engages in sexual behaviour while asleep. One describes him as a 'different person' during these activities -apparently he is a more amorous and gentle lover and more orientated towards satisfying his partner."

Not all sexomniacs however are sensitive. Another 37-year-old man is "more aggressive and more amorous" while he's sleeping, says his wife. "He indulges in behaviours while asleep that he does not undertake when awake...there is no stopping him." But she admits, when he tried to throttle her, she had to slap him



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