Chronicles Of Me

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

George Bush said god spoke to him and told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

I wish god spoke to me. Don't get me wrong Bush is full of purple fart. But sometimes i just wish someone as powerful as ''god'' can take a little time off to tell me what to do.

sigh sigh sigh. That has got to be the most used word next to ''lol'' oh and i need to stop using singlish. I heard myself in a recording and its pretty sick. sick sick sick. A sick duck. fark. put a car in the dark filled with farts and throw darts. i am going crazy. i want to buy some chucks.
Work is till 11pm tonight. Might need to stay in.

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Yes why? Why must things be the way they are? Can't we throw away all the rules. Poor bogey man, all he wanted to be was to bake blueberry muffins.

Hours pass, and she still counts the minutes
That I am not there, I swear I didn't mean
For it to feel like this
Like every inch of me is bruised.

bruised ~ Jack's mannequin

''Little drops of rain Whisper of the pain Tears of love Lost in the days gone by''

My speakers are working!!! i am alive again!!!


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