Chronicles Of Me

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I never liked you. I knew you would hurt me more and more as time went by. I was hopeful, i gave you time. Time to leave me on your own. You hurt me more in-fucking-stead. I am disappointed and despondent. You remind me of the pain every second that you've been with me whether intentionally or not i will never know! I credit my sleepless nights and lack of appetite to you! TO YOU! Tonight i will kill you.I will drown you. I will numb you.I will do anything to get rid of you! It will hurt like hell but hey! it will be better for me in the future. So forget it, i will not entertain your lies and mind games. This is the END my friend.

i will
i will
i will
i will
i will kill you with salt!

good bye my Ulcer!


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