Chronicles Of Me

Friday, November 17, 2006

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It started here with 2 trays; 40 shots of apple shooters. Dozens of e-thrity threes and caronas NOT in the picture. SEAAHED.

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Diane, alex, ed, shaun, tee, fat nick.

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Yaya and stripes

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Druggie nick, high and gay ed.

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ed, tee, zen and me

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The Free man. The NsMen. Happy ORD day teedee. Respect! 5 shots in a row before even smoking half his cig! Zen and me tried our best.

our dialogue before i left.

Tee: thanks for coming down man.
Tee: Fucking good friend, i love you man.
me: same same (we shared a good manly hug, just the two of us =D )
Tee: But you are really fucking satan and zen is the devil.

Zen and me kept making him drink hahahahahahahaha

12 hours later. He failed his driving FTT due to hangovers. We suceeded.

The next day in office was quite dreadful, but it was worth it.

Next one is shaun's enlistment! ZEN AND ME WILL BE THERE. WHEEEEEEEEEEEE.


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