Chronicles Of Me

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mental Habits.

We all have mental habits, conciously or sub-conciously. It affects everything.

stay with me on this

Imagine we're at a party and we see two men eyeing the same attractive woman. As we watch we see the first man starts to walk towards her but then stops turn and head over to the bar. Moments later we see the second guy walking towards the woman and begin talking to her.

Awhile later we notice the second man begin to move around the room talking to everyone. Initiating a conversation with everyone at the party.

what is the difference in the mental habits between the two?
First guy ''ran a movie'' in his head of all times he had been hurt in a relationship, felt lousy and ended up at the bar to drown his sorrows. (ok this is the important part) His emotional reaction was the expression of a subconcious ,self-limiting belief that ''i'm not good enough'' or ''i always get hurt in a relationship''

for the second guy its qutie the opposite. He constantly has this mental habit of believing that everyone is interesting. Emotionally they feel curious even excited. They feel good about themselves and focus their attention externally.

I was told to try out the second guy's mental habit. Just portraying in the mind that ''everyone is interesting'' or ''isnt he/she interesting'' and you would feel you can talk to anyone. Even if you're alone just close your eyes and imagine yourself in a crowded room with that mental habit. You should be able to feel the difference. AND I DID.

Just thought i share this with you guys. whoever you are.Got most of it from an investing book studying buffet and soros i'm reading now.I believe that things are as bad as we make it but i also understand that sometimes we just cannot help it, oh well. The mind is a beautiful thing so fuck around with it, you never know what you're going to find.

I know everynow and then someone comes along with these beliefs and stuff. And it goes like yea yea yay aya yea aye aya aa ayea yes oh wow that's cool yea yea. But i've always been interested in these sort of stuff. I'll really give this a try. Three cheers to good mental habits!

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