Chronicles Of Me

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Things don't happen for a reason. Things DON'T just happen UNDERSTAND.
Subconsciously your actions and decisions know what you want or want to happen. Then you happily say its fate or destiny. HAHAH FUCKING LAUGH IN YOUR FACE YOU FUCKING TWIT. mind my langauge but it happens for a reason.

Ain't nothing that is true anymore. Just lies to get what you want and where you want to be in this world. Face it, sometimes you have to be shrewd and crude about things and let go a smoke screen and say it's fate i guess.

Talk talk talk talk talk. Stop it. YOU make your own FATE your own LUCK your own DESTINY ain't nothing spectacular or wonderfully great about it.The puzzle don't fit nicely; you cut it into shape dumbass. It is down to being sneaky about it. I know i went for alot of things in life. I used to say it was fate and luck. Fuck that now. I sweat blood and tears and i won't let all my effort go to luck. Respect it and cherish it. I will remember it. I will i will i will.

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