Chronicles Of Me

Friday, September 15, 2006

I've driven more than 450 kilometres in the past 5 days. With my buddies bloc party and death cab accompanying me the wholeeeeeee jolly time. I kind of enoyed it. Driving at 5am in the morning and late at night. It is so peaceful. I think i would love to go on a long road trip some place with very very very green scenery and plenty of animals,seeing snow somewhere along the way would be great too. So niceeeee. =))))
The car MUST be a cabrolet. Must have alot of twiggies. mmmm twiggie. i think thta's it. hahaha

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm twiggie.Cold ones are the best!
anytime is a twiggie time


I hate to choose. I need to go through and through the pros of cons of each decision. That's the type of person i am.

I wish it was easier. sigh. It is still premature though. Sometimes it gets to a point that you wish something bad to happen so that it would be easier for me to choose. But that would be lying to myself and i will look back with regrets. The only regret is not being true to myself. This goes on and on and on and on in a vicious cycle. I'm torn. Seems so exciting.

Just one look into your eyes
One look and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one kiss and I'm alive
One kiss and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

Kill ~ jimmy eat world
refuge ~ john legend


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