Chronicles Of Me

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


The time has come to do some SAI KANG!!!! (means dirty job)

Had a briefing today about my deployment during the IMF/WORLD BANK conference.
The gist of the briefing is that a group of us will be working shifts throughout the duration of the conference, which is 10 days. Those ten days will include three 24 hour shifts, three off-days and three office hours days. I am actually looking forward to it. Been a long time since i stayed up for more than 24 hours. The last time i did something like that was when i was studying for my 'o' levels with triple shot espressos to keep me awake. I think it should be fun. haha. something different for awhile is always good i guess. By the way, my job during that period is to sit down and take the attendence of intflow and outflow of the troops.That means i'm sure to meet weird fellas out there. haha.

Shat in my car today while i was driving home after work. I guess that can happen when lightning strikes so near to you that you can immediately hear the thunder following behind. Even felt my car vibrate a little.

Is there a god? Or was he created by a thoughtful person who knew the world needed to be united by the actions of one being to create peace among each other? Or did someone create ''god'' to make the lonely never feel lonely again, give the hopeless hope? somewhere along that line.

Using the name of god is so powerful these days, it can even help you earn money.

I doubt his existence but i believe in his ways. always nice to put something funny at the end like.... I was so ugly when I was born, the doctor slapped my mother

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I can safely say. I have let go. Just like you said it was to salvage what is left.
It still hurts yes. But it hurts because its healing. I cannot explain it. Letting go helps me think
clearly and positively, obviously not at the beginning of it.

In fact i did not lose or let go of anything. If you know what i mean. (or maybe not) .
We hurt each other too much and got lost along the way.
Made promises we cannot keep and were not there for each other in times of need. That resulted in alot of frustration ,hurt, heartbreak and doubts. Letting go, helped me realise what i have become and what we have become to each other. I know during my earlier months of Ns i was so bitter and angry. That made you sad. I'm sorry.

I know now that forcing a relationship to work will not eventually work itself out.
Something as simple as Time Out might just do it.To get our minds back into perspective.
See where have we derailed and work on that. slowly but surely.It is a mistaken belief that I must push my love relationship in the direction I choose that keeps us strained and unhappy .Its too late to have a time out now, i accept that,I may regret how i was like but its all in life's lessons to remind you not to be like that again. If there is true love you
should not worry so much. It will be true to you no matter what has been said or done.
It always comes back, i hope (that's the advice i got).

Reality might be cruel, but we can either embrace it or struggle endlessly. For me, i tried struggling and it just made me more annoying and irritating.
Struggling in quicksand will do no good. We'll just end up angry and very very sandy. This applies to the 19 months i have left to serve this country. EMBRACE 19 MONTHS

I will go and pursue my dreams taking with me all my lessons. More to learn of course.
This will work out again. Us. You. Me. Anything can happen, true. The world seems more flexible to what i percieved it to be. I'm lucky that i am filled with choices.

Its exciting who we are becoming. Almost starting a life again. Starting anew. Rediscovering myself.Rediscovering you. Some events that happened in the past might have been grave mistakes. But they are called mistakes so that we can improve on them and correct them. Maybe we can start again. Maybe we can't right now. Maybe i'll be more understanding. Maybe we'll try again. Wait, we will try again, definately. Once we have the right balance and proper means to try again. IWMY

Not now but not never. Between us, that means alot more than it would to strangers. I said that to you once many years ago. Its your turn now.I still have alot to learn but i know what to learn to be better now.

One unchanged fact is that i will always need you.

I think this is what you had in your mind and what you felt for a long time. Sorry i took so long to realise this. My sadness and reason to not believe what was happening had blinded me temporarily.

With this i say '' i let go'' but also with tears filled with love for you. You know you were always the one. You will not be alone, i promise you.
Day by to me when the time is right...Things are salvaged with me.At least it feels that way.

I love you annie.

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You don't have to react to this..I am not reaching out to you.. I just read something and it moved me. I put this here for myself. Not anyone else.

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Bently GT Continental Coupe oh my oh my.
Saw this beauty a few times at my club already. Sweet ride, she's flirtatious MEOW! . I'll call her Nancy!

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Aston martin vanquish,i fell in love with her way before she starred with James bond mind you. British beauty this one, meet Peyton.

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Le Classic, Jaguar e-type back in the day. I love Jag classics ever since they used that jaguar in the movie cruel intentions. Sexy beast i tell you! Penny will be her name!

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Made in Woking ,England. This goddess of thunder was made by maclaren! My favourite. My dream.My Maclaren SLR. Fast and responsive like how typical supercar would feel but with all the luxury of a modern Merc. I can go on and on about this car just ask my friends . But then i would just spoil its reputation. So here is my precious, Hailey.

I know what most of you are thinking, ''yea yea another crazy car lover who loves power, speed and all that'' But i didn't really care much for cars until i watched ONE episode of top gear (from BBC) and i am HOOKED. I belive what you drive says alot about you. The colour,the cleanliness ,all the accessories you add. Its excatly the same way it is about what you wear and how u wear it, your hair, your shoes and so on, it tells people what type of person you are. Impressions matter in this world. haha.


If the devil had twins they would be called fate and destiny.

Monday, August 28, 2006

''Day by day he gazed upon her, Day by day he sighed with passion, Day by day... ''

Is it possible to find your souldmate at a tender age of 16?

What do we do with love and what is love?
Is it cowardly to hide from it, deny it.
Is it a lie we use to get what we want.
or is it something we'll never know.

I've learnt not to plan it anymore. Sure it feels great when it comes together. But when it does not come through, it hurts like hell.

But you know what they say, nothing hurts like love.

Let's take it slow.rediscover.without holding one another back. without sacrificing futures.but with all the same it that be possible to happen? day by always since the 10th of october 2003,

It's the way she makes me feel.
It's the only thing that's real.
It's the way she understands.
She's my lover, she's my friend.

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''let go''

Hit the driving range after work.
I still have my beautiful swing, haha.
A friend asked me to join him and i thought it was a good way to let go and beat that little white rubber ball.
Felt good. Liberating. Seeing the ball fly straight and far really felt good.

My dad introduced this sport to me when back in the day when i was in primary four. I hated it at first, i could not even hit past 50 metres mark. Now i'm doing 150-200 easily even with a mishit. Goes to show. You will get the hang of anything you really want.
So don't give up.

Think i'll see where i'll go with weekly range visits. You can never perfect golf. Maybe that is why some people find it addictive. Hope it'll clear my mind.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

The pass two weeks have been very eye-opening, teary, sad, truthful, confusing and messy. Conversations were painful, lessons were learnt and a mutual decision as a result. I will most probably not ever get over you, maybe i do not want to. It is a sin to forget how wonderful you were to me. For now it is time to move forward and grow up. I will always love her deeply and i know she loves me too. She was right, this is not the right time to have a long-distance relationship. Love prevails all.

Like you once said, somewhere along the years when we are actually on the same country/state/area/postal code who knows what might happen.

So here is to us and whatever the future holds, i hope it holds you. Your name, forever etched in the corner of my heart. I will always be happy for you. You will always have me. My bestfriend and confidant.

Revelations, evolution,revolution, initiation or progression call it what you want. The journey begins to find myself and what i truly want.

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change."